Romario Smith, MPH, MSW
Romario provides data management and analytical support for both the NJ-SHO Data Warehouse and Data Dashboard. He enjoys working through the intricacies of optimizing data quality and applying data integration linkage techniques to effectively bridge population health gaps. As a dedicated supporter of bike-to-work commuting and an experienced amateur cyclist, Romario is excited to see how this valuable data will be used to positively impact and benefit all road users.
Highlighted Work
The Association Between Evidence-Based Decision-Making and Accreditation of State Health Departments
In the US, public health departments can choose to become certified under the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) and obtain assistance to improve quality, accountability and performance of their programs. This paper explores whether accreditation status of state health departments administered by PHAB has any connection to how these departments make decisions informed by scientific processes or choose to make decisions informed by scientific processes.
"It's Good to Feel Like You're Doing Something:" A Qualitative Study Examining State Health Department Employees' Views on Why Ineffective Programs Continue to be Implemented in the USA
Unsuccessful public health programs sometimes continue when they should end. Interviews with state health department employees revealed that ineffective or unsuccessful programs continue because of reasons linked to concerns about damaging relationships with partner organizations, dedicated support for the program’s continuation, the department’s inability to provide alternatives, and funding restrictions.
Leading the Way: Competencies of Leadership to Prevent Mis-Implementation of Public Health Programs
Leadership qualities can influence successful public health programs from ending and prevent unsuccessful public health programs from continuing. A survey of 45 state health department employees revealed that communication, collaboration, adaptation and participation in learning opportunities and public health policy initiatives are important to help successful programs continue even when confronted with limited resources.