Melissa R. Pfeiffer, MPH
Melissa leads data integration and management of the NJ-SHO Data Warehouse and has a passion for complex data linkage, data management, and data analysis. Her research focuses on data linkage and management in public health and disease surveillance. Melissa is excited that the information within the NJ-SHO Data Warehouse will reach more people who can tap into its potential to improve health and safety.
Highlighted Work
Improving Identification of Crash Injuries: Statewide Integration of Hospital Discharge and Crash Report Data
By successfully linking hospital discharge data with motor vehicle crash reports to account for crash injuries more accurately, CIRP researchers make clear the continued need for data integration efforts to classify the true burden of crash-related injuries. Armed with this information, prevention efforts can be tailored to populations most at risk for crash-related injuries.
Development of the Integrated New Jersey Safety and Health Outcomes (NJ-SHO) Data Warehouse: Catalyzing Advancements in Injury Prevention Research
The NJ-SHO Data Warehouse combines New Jersey statewide administrative databases through probabilistic and hierarchical deterministic linkage to create one comprehensive data source. The data warehouse fills in gaps previously found in traffic safety research and enables investigation of research questions that previously could not be addressed due to the lack of appropriate data.
'Tis Better to Give Than Receive: Considerations When Sharing Data
Data exchanges are increasingly common and are critical in propelling advancements in science and industry. This peer-reviewed research paper provides guidance for both receiving data from others and distributing data. It was awarded "Best Contributed Paper" for the Data Management section of the 2019 Western Users of SAS Software conference.